Shame on me!
I haven't finished my mobile
portfolio site.
Project Year:
2020 — 2021
Design Director
Staff Product Designer
Variis Icon System
The Variis digital ecosystem needed a cohesive icon set consistent with its brand motif across all platforms. The system celebrates simplicity and reduction of elemental noise for streamlined communication. Additionally, this system was designed for meticulous consistency, scalability and ease of use by designers as well as software engineers.
The scope
I noticed glaring inconsistencies in icon usage across web, app, bike, and tablet devices. The outcome would be a meticulously consistent icon system featuring over 400 different icons and variations to be used by an organization of over 60 designers and engineers across multiple devices.
Project goals
I began by addressing the issue with design leadership and product management to try to get resourcing and process in place to adopt this new system. I then requested all designers across each squad to audit every icon in their comps. Next, I'd define an art direction and a grid system to set up the scaffolding, followed by assembling a team of designers to create over 100 icons. Finally, I'd collaborate with developers and PMs to see that this system found its was to production.
Meticulous consistency
A rigid grid system would be set up with the goal of complete uniformity across all icons. Additionally, graphic elements like spacing and angles would be defined and unified. These precautions would ensure that any of the many designers creating icons across the organizations were staying within the guardrails established and ultimately maintaining uniformity.
Each icon would come with a number of variations to help maintain the system optically in all situations. This included not only filled and stroked versions of each icon, but breakpoints in which the stroke width would reduce to ensure that even at their smallest forms icons retain a legible stroke and that larger uses would remain sleek and delicate.
Feedback animations
To add some feedback to the user action of tapping on a main nav item as well as surprise with an enjoyable sticky brand moment, navigation items animate when activated. The animation triggered occurs 0.3 seconds after the user engages to ensure the users finger is clear from the viewport.